Tuesday, December 28, 2010


There was a blizzard the day after Christmas. Today I shoveled the deck, and saw this interesting pattern the snow made while it preferentially melted through the spaces between the deck's wooden boards.

And below, a few close-ups where you can see "strata."

One last one, slightly enhanced so that it has that icy blue color of glaciers in Antarctica on National Geographic photos...

The front yard and part of driveway after the snow stopped falling.

We filled the birdfeeder too, but no birds came out today. Maybe they will come out tomorrow, and hopefully the bluejays won't be bullies.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

AGU, Yosemite, eclogite

What a week it's been! I attended my first AGU in San Francisco, and was lucky enough to take a day trip into Yosemite and a scramble in the near-dark for some Franciscan eclogites and blueschists along the coast north of SF. Below, some photos of our collecting on the coast:

And here's a photo of morning fog in a meadow in Yosemite:

OK... more posting later, time to finish some revisions on a paper almost ready to submit!