Anyway, I'm hoping to get a photo in front of the ion probe before I leave, but there just hasn't been a free minute to do that yet (hopefully on Friday). And maybe sometime in the near future I might come back to UCLA to use the ion probe, particularly for these detrital zircons in garnet-bearing quartzites.
On another note, the UCLA geology building is located literally right next to a pretty nice botanical garden on campus. Unfortunately their hours are quite stringent (8-5); I actually got kicked out today at 5:01 by a dude riding on a motorized wheelbarrow (have you ever gotten kicked out of a botanical garden before?). But, I did manage to look at some of the plants this morning when they opened (I waited in front of the gate at 8:00), and then just briefly this afternoon. I managed to get a few quick photos in. The morning is best for photographing mainly for the light, but also because many of the flowers are just opening and so they're really "fresh." In the late afternoon, things start to droop a bit. They've got some incredible exotic flora (many Hawaiian and Asian species), lots of different figs (the fruits were on the ground everywhere), a whole terrace of roses (I'm not really a big fan of roses though), and lots of other plants. I will definitely go back tomorrow and Friday morning to see the rest before the SIMS workshop starts at 9!
Heliotrope, a member of the Boraginaceae.
Blue sage. Click on it to enlarge and see the scruff on the petals.
Strawberry-flavored powderpuffs... some kind of Mimosa tree (Fabaceae).
This flower was my favorite; but I forgot the name and it's written in my notebook which I don't have at the moment. More info on this one in the next post.
One more of the flower with no name at the moment. I'm proud of this one.
And last.. the cute little Blue Pea (a shrub).
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